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PJ Presides Over Nabweru Court Open Day
Hon. Justice Bamwine (PJ) addressing the congregation at the Nabweru open day

The Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Yorokamu Bamwine on November 22, 2019 presided over the Nabweru Chief Magistrate's Court Open Day.

The Principal Judge was welcomed by the Court's Chief Magistrate, HW Patricia Amoko who thanked him for honoring the invite to grace the Open Day held under the theme; "Embracing Reforms in Accessing Justice."

Some of the issues raised by community members in attendance were; lack of clarity in the jurisdiction of Nabweru Chief Magistrate's Court, which leads to dismissal of some cases, delay in dispensing of cases, corruption in the DPP's office,existence of con men at the court and limited staff in the Resident State Attorney's office at court.

In response to those issues, the Principal Judge called upon all Justice, Law and Order Sector institutions to continue working together to sensitize the less privileged in the community and he also called for more District Coordination Committees.

HW Jameson Karemani, an Assistant Inspector of Courts clarified that soon the gazetted Nansana Magistrate's Court will have a Magistrate Grade I deployed there to handle cases from that municipality. Adding that the 2017 Instrument that gazetted court is going to be reviewed.

The Judiciary Senior Communications Officer, Mr Solomon Muyita, said the Judiciary is planning to give its non-judicial staff uniforms in addition to their identification cards as one of the measures address the issue of con men at the court.

He equally urged court users to report any corrupt tendencies to the court management for better management.

On the issue of delay of cases in court, the Principal Judge called upon judicial officers to write judgements and rulings on a daily basis. He also pointed out that adjournments be made in extreme or justifiable circumstances.

The in-charge of Kasangati Government Prison, commended HW Amoko for the changes she has introduced at the court which has seen a reduction in remands and also the fact that Magistrates start their hearings at 9am.

There was an exhibition tent where different JLOS Institutions explained to members of the public the different services they offer.

Among the key exhibitors was Justice Centers Uganda, a project under JLOS giving legal aid to the indigent. With support from UN Women, the project has a specific desk handling cases of sexual and gender based violence.

Mr Robert Ali Bogere, an Assistant Administrator General encouraged the court users to write wills for proper management of their estates in the event of death.

Notably present was Judge Designate Hon. Justice Vincent Emmy Mugabo, Assistant Director of Public Prosecution, Ms Rose Tumuhaise as well as representatives from different JLOS Institutions.

Posted 25th, November 2019
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